SOCIAL WORK: BALANCING NEED AND RESTRICTION A story viewing Social Work practice in challenging times

Fear of other, greed and closed heartedness inspired some to build two walls containing an unexplored and feared central arroyo.  It currently stretches across the country.  Its ultra slow build and design “groomed” inhabitants into accepting a division among individuals, families and social groups.  A shadow, following the sun, fills the canyon and slips into the Pacific Ocean – day after day.  While some people fear shadow and remain on either edge of the abyss, others laugh at its existence in humorous idioms:

“What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas?”

The story differs for Social Workers who provide compassionate, conscientious service to clients they shield from inhumane agency policy.  Standing in the canyon between need and restriction mandates practitioners investigate and own their personal shadow, which is a lifelong process and unavoidable.

The mystery gifts of shadow investigation – responsibility, compassion, boundary establishment, groundedness and discernment – are contents of medicine bags worn daily in strength and light: symbols of the Healing Warriors who carry them.

2 thoughts on “SOCIAL WORK: BALANCING NEED AND RESTRICTION A story viewing Social Work practice in challenging times

  1. A very interesting view on social work. protecting the patient from the system while incorporating the shadow experiences of the practitioner. I doubt that most who decide to go into social work view in either perspective, let alone both.


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